Hypersensitivity Type I & Atopic Diseases

Hypersensitivity is the state of impaired immunity in which our immune system has overreacted to something in a way that damages it rather than protecting it. There are 4 types of hypersensitivity; Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV. Type I ... Read more

Hypersensitivity Type IV & Graft Rejection

Type IV hypersensitivity is also known as delayed-type hypersensitivity. Because this hypersensitivity reaction takes more than 12 hours to develop whereas the typical maximum reaction time is 48 – 72 hours. It is a ... Read more

FOS Research Cradle Ep 03 | Ramalka Kasige

After 2 episodes of research cradle articles, we think our audience is a bit familiar with the concept of the undergraduate research projects done by our own alumni students. It is with great pleasure, we at FOS Media Blog, ... Read more

Lipid Rafts; Curious Organization of Cell Membrane

Lipid rafts can be defined as changing, nano-scale structures formed by assembling sphingolipids, cholesterol, and proteins which can be stabilized to coalesce, helping in membrane signaling as well as trafficking. The lipid ... Read more

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