Mirror Mirror



Mirror mirror on the wall,

Who’s the fairest of them all?

I know you never lie so tell me who…


Who is this Princess, feeling so good

Believing everything is right

Thinking the world spins around her

A heart filled with might


Love and compassion overwhelming her spirit

Every living being one of her crew

This Beauty who would enchant the world

Standing proud in front of you…


Mirror mirror on the wall,

Who’s the wildest of them all?

I know you never lie so tell me who…


Who is this Witch twisted in anger

A deserted soul of a gloomy night

Wanting to shred the whole place to dust

Until her pains are brought to light


Darkness and desperation is all what she sees

Feeling betrayed by her crew

This Beast who would wreck the world

Standing broken in front of you…


Oh mirror mirror on the wall,

Who she is, you know it all

I know you never lie so tell me more

The world awaits, they need to know…


Am I the Beauty?

Or am I the Beast?