The crown of love


Embrace me in your arms

Gentle and warm

Let me forget

The rest of the world

Looking into your eyes

Calm and caring

Your gaze catches mine

To make me neglect

All my pains and sorrows,

And just to make me realize

The depth of your love

Making grow this bonding

Dearer and dearer

More and more

Every single moment


Make me strong, be my strength

Whenever I lose my courage

Make your shoulder, a cradle for me

Whenever I am in tears

Hold me tight

Make me rest on your chest

Whenever I seek an affectionate grip

Offer your hand

Generous and protective

Whenever I fall, being weary of life


You may not be able

Even to imagine how I feel

For being able to be crowned

As your princess, my love

And how better I feel

To walk with you hand in hand

Throughout this journey of life

How much hard though it will be