
The National Best Quality ICT Awards (NBQSA) competition is an annual event organized by the BCS The Chartered Institute for IT Sri Lanka (BCSSL) Section.

Award Categories

Tertiary Student Project (Business)

This Award is presented to the most innovative ICT software and/or hardware project from students of Institutions of Higher Learning.

Business category is applicable for Information Systems projects where the focus is based on application of Business Conceptual Designs to integrate with IT solutions.

Any ICT project that is conducted by a student or a group of students who are formally enrolled at the beginning of the year in an institution of higher-learning, such as college or university, excluding Master and Doctorate programs.

Tertiary Student Project (Technology)

This Award is presented to the most innovative ICT software and/or hardware project from students of Institutions of Higher Learning.

Technology category is applicable for Computer Science, Computer/Software Engineering and Information Technology based projects where the focus is based on the application of technology to support IT solutions.

Any ICT project that is conducted by a student or a group of students who are formally enrolled at the beginning of the year in an institution of higher-learning, such as college or university, excluding Master and Doctorate programs.

For more info visit:

Download application form from:

email it to on or before 31st July 2013