A World With Peace


“World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.”

-Dalai Lama

World peace is the concept of an ideal state of peace within and among society and people. Society is of unique individuals interacting together with each other. Society is at peace only if each person approaches their peace individually. All we need is peace. Peace with people, peace with relationships, peace at work, and so on. But do we have peace within ourselves? Have we developed so-called inner peace?

We are products of our thoughts. Many people walk around with burdens that make it harder for them to move. They might want to spread their wings, but all the burdens and emotions hinder them from flying. It is hard for them to soar unless unnecessary baggage of emotions is dropped off. If we abide with hate, anger, and sorrow, our minds are led into a state of destruction. So, we need to let go of all forms of delusions and trauma and walk with a free state of mind to achieve our inner peace.


Value your inner peace! Value your peace! Value every individual’s existence! Manifest for human compassion! Care for all humans! Respect every individual, their opinions, their beliefs, their religion, their philosophies, and their appearance! Accept them for who they are! Avoid violence, destruction, and cease-fire! Approach to world peace! Spread love, compassion, and kindness! Just as the famous singer said, ‘Heal the world, Make it a better place for YOU, for ME, and the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!’

World peace is appreciated by many individuals and organizations. Presently, many work for world peace. Unlike in the past, people do not have to undergo tragic world situations. Believe it or not, we live in a much more peaceful environment than in past centuries. Despite the clashing of some organizations, countries and racism, society is still at peace, and we will be commemorating ‘The International Day of Peace on September 21st 2022 with the theme ‘End Racism’ in this year.



The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. This day is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and people. World Peace Day is an inspiring reminder to all of us of what we can do together.

Life is better in a world of peace. As the younger generation, let us promise among ourselves and look into the lives of the past peacemakers and peacekeepers and learn what we can do to retain our Peace. The World Peace. A better place of living with much more PEACE, LOVE and COMPASSION.


By : Vihangi Thissera

Image Courtesies

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