installation ceremony of Rtr.Nadeesha Katakumbura and his board was held on the 28th of The 12th August at the Auditorium of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science. This event was organized by the Rotaract Club of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo which is sponsored by the Rotary Club
of Colombo Down Town.
The chief guest for this occasion was the dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Ranjith Mahanama and the event was honored by the Guest of honor Rotarian Yasas Hewage (President of the Rotary Club of Colombo Down Town).
The dignitaries, District Rotaract Committee Chairperson Rotarian Muttiah Brabagharan, District Rotaract Representative elect: Rtr. T.Sathiyendran, Youth advisor of Colombo Down Town Rotarian Kanchana De Silva , Staff advisor Prof.Ramani Wijesekara added glamour to this event.
The outgoing president Rtr.Madhuka Wijayasiri and his board for the year 2013/14 handed over the responsibilities for the Rotaract year 2014/15 to the the incoming president Rtr. Nadeesha Katakumbura and his board.
RC of FOS, UOC have proved not only once but many times that they are one of the few pioneers of social service by winnig many awards at the District Assembly and also by conducting projects like Future Challenge and Akhankara Sevana very successfully.
Our sincere wishes to the new board of the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Science of the University Of Colombo to have another successful Rotaract year to do the greater good for the society as per to their new theme “Kindle the passion unleash humanity”.