The fourth Episode (Le quatrième épisode) The ‘Be’ verbs or Auxiliary verbs.
Verbes Être ( verbe auxiliaire)
In English language , ‘Be’ verbs or auxiliary verbs are really familiar in everyday conversation. In French,(Verbes Être) is similarly used to convince the ‘be’ form of English.<
Je suis- I am
Tu es- you are(not in retrospective address)
Il est- He is
Elle est- She is
Nous somme- We are
Vous ètes- You are( In a respectable way)
Ils son- They are(Masculine plural form)
Elles son- They are(Feminine plural form)
The nous which can be used commonly for all things are called Pronouns.
Je- I
Il- He
Ils/ Elles- They(According to the gender bias)
The pronouns which are being used instead of any noun will be differ according to the Female, Male, Singular or plural.
Let’s look at the following nouns and their pronouns are mentioned against each.
Singular nouns (Noms singuliers)
Le jardin(The garden)- Il
Le père(The dad)- Il
La mère(The mum)- Elle
La poste(The post)- Elle
Plural Nouns(Pluriel substantifs)
Les livres(The books)- Ils
Les Stylos(The pens)- Ils
Les crayons(The pencils)-Ils
Les robes(The frocks)- Elles
Les Jupes(The Skirts)- Elles
Les fleurs(The flowers)- Elles
Feminine Nouns (Substantifs féminins)
By adding ‘e’ at the end of the most masculine nouns, The feminine nouns are formed.
The following are some examples for the female nouns which are against their corresponding male nouns
Client- Cliente
Employé – Employée
cousin- cousine
Amèricain- Amèricaine
Africain- Africaine
Some other female nouns are to be continued in my next episode.
Composed by Amila Perera
Composé par Amila Perera.