Missed you!


You gazed at me with your glowing green eyes
You kissed my feet with your cold pink nose
You touched my feet with woolly cushion paws
And then you were just a cat for me!

You laid on my window in darkest nights
You meowed at my door in day and night
You climbed on my legs for things unasked
But still you were just a cat for me!

You had escaped from home for a couple of days
I felt someone missing, though others meowed at me
I found you withered with moaning life
Only then I felt you’d been someone special for me!

You were begging for life with half closed eyes
And heaving on my lap with torpid feet
I was trying my best to save your life
But you went to heaven and I couldn’t save you!


image credit: https://www.google.lk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F236x%2F69%2F48%2F2e%2F69482e10284bed4ce1de4e7edd965b2f.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F120049146293747572%2F&docid=0fvgI7jP8-Z78M&tbnid=YIPLD-SUp-3p9M%3A&vet=1&w=236&h=354&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=615&biw=360&q=cats%20with%20a%20girl&ved=0ahUKEwiproXYiMTRAhUIOo8KHSIHC08QMwg7KBgwGA&iact=mrc&uact=8