Artificial Intelligence(AI) , is one of the major tech topics under discussion, with a handful of examples from the mid of the 20th century upto now.
One of the historical events in artificial intelligence occured on 25th of October 2017 .
The event turns out to be a shocking news to most of us: A humanoid robot gains citizenship of Saudi Arabia.
The official announcement was made at the Future Investment Initiative Conference held in Saudi Arabian capital ,Riyadh on 25th October 2017. It’s considered to be an initiative for promoting the development of robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Saudi Arabia.
The humanoid was named ‘Sophia’.
She has been developed by the AI specialist, David Hanson of Hanson Robotics which is a Hong-Kong based company.
She has a pronounced feature of adapting to humans and expressing human gestures.
Visual data processing, facial recognition and taking part in conversation with human are one of the major features developed within her by Hanson.
In one of her recent interviews she has also said that “Family is really important”; this has marked another step in developing Sophia with human emotions and feelings, but still as a predefined command.
The fact that she can still take part only in conversation on predefined topics,has become a controversy on entitling her with citizenship. Still, she’s accepted by many AI specialists as another chatbot (like Siri) with a face.
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