The population of a species that could be observed at a given time with respect to other species in its habitat is an important area of study in ecological mathematics. The availability and competition among species for food ... Read more
Tag: ScienceWeekly
The journey of man
Man has walked through a long-distance in evolutionary pathway to being designated as dominant species on the earth. Many novel anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristics have developed which caused them to become intelligent and powerful ... Read more
Bees Buzz
The great Australian scientist, Karl von Frisch once said,
"The most astounding example of non-primate communication that we know is dance"The honey bee that returns to the colony after locating a food source, performs a dance ... Read more
Greatest Dance of All
Based on Dr. Sampath Seneviratne's talk, 'The Greatest Dance on the planet: A Collection of stories of the long distance migration of birds from our neighbourhood', at the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society's ... Read more
Why plants don’t freeze?
Ever wondered what happens inside the plants standing outside, exposed to chilling weather conditions without a shred of cloth on them? Isn't it amazing how they survive cold snowstorms with severe winds, left with no other ... Read more
Climate change and its impact on crops
What is "Climate"?
“Climate” is defined as the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time which includes components such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, solar radiation, humidity and ... Read moreFluid Dynamics and a Counter-Intuition
Why would points of higher fluid speed have less pressure?
Have you ever wondered how a rabbit breathes inside an underground burrow? Ever wondered why a hurricane pulls everything up? What makes a 500 metric-ton Boeing 747 lift off the ground? All ... Read moreAltering the code of life
DNA, the genetic fingerprint of all the organism on earth, defines the traits and behavioral basis of them, even before the birth.
Structure of DNA was proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953. DNA is made of a pentose sugar, nitrogenous bases and a phosphate ... Read more