The year is 2022 and the month is December. We are drawing near to the end of the year. But before the dawning of a new year, comes a very important day celebrated throughout the globe. Yes, you guessed it right, it’s Christmas! On the 25th of December of each passing year, almost a third of the entire human population on Earth, celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
Of course, there is no Written Word (word from the Holy Bible) that states that Lord Jesus did indeed come to this world on December the 25th. In fact, there is no way to even state that He was born in the month of December itself! It was in 336 AD that this particular date was first used to commemorate the birth of the Son of God, through the commands of the then-ruler of Rome, Emperor Constantine.
However, although the exact date of the birth of Christ is not recorded anywhere, the manner in which He came to this world, is known by many and all. According to the Holy Writ (the Holy Bible), in the city of Nazareth in the Northern region of Gililee, the young Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph of the house of David, found favour with God and conceived in her womb, the Son of the Most High. Later, taking his pregnant wife with him, Joseph had to set off to Bethlehem in Judea, due to the census that was decreed by the then Emperor Augustus. However, after they arrived at Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to her son Jesus, in a stable, for that was the only available shelter, and the babe was wrapped in bands of cloth and laid in a manger.
Soon after, a group of shepherds arrived at the stable to pay respect to the holy child, for they were summoned by an angel, who appeared before them, heralding word of the birth of the Messiah.
Thereafter, three wise men from the East arrived and offered the baby Jesus, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They had come a long way, following a bright star that led them all the way from the East, to the newly-born Christ. The three precious gifts offered in tribute had a special meaning to them too. Gold, the metal of royals, signified Jesus’s kingship – his status as the King of the Jews, while frankincense, an aromatic incense, signified the holy child’s divinity and worship. Myrrh, a precious spice, signified the mortality and death of Jesus Christ.
And so ends the story of the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Throughout the world, we celebrate His birth, for the meaning it brought to the lives of billions of individuals during the past two thousand years.
Written By: Shehara De Silva
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