Time to Turn a New Leaf?


Folks, it’s finally here in Sri Lanka. I’ve seen two in Gampaha. How they got to Gampaha is beyond me, but maybe this is just my Colombian mindset undermining the cool forward thinking abilities of our good brothers and sisters in the lovely five villages.

What am I talking about? Well, the Nissan Leaf of course, the world’s first purpose-designed 100 per cent electric car from a big manufacturer. Yes, you read that correctly, anyone who owns this car will never have to stop at a petrol station ever again.

It’s really great for our environment. Since it doesn’t use combustion of fossil fuels to run the engine, there are zero emissions to the atmosphere! Now that is a very big deal.

It’s got a really sleek and appealing design, and it’s completely soundless! With no engine making unearthly noises around you, you’ll feel as if you’re gliding along in one of those futuristic space movies. It’s a significant saving on cost too, as a full 3 hour charge keeps you running for 180km. I wish someone I know would hurry up and get one, I want to ride in this baby!