Ghosts…I would like to explain it as bad and weak energies. As scientists we always follow the scientific method and we expecting possible reasons for everything. Does it can apply for the things that are invisible? Let’s assume so and follow it.
Spirits needs a medium to connect with a human as genes need a body to transport traits among generations. The spirits use the nervous system as their medium to connect with humans. Each person has a unique Magnetic Aura around there bodies which acts as a guard to humans’ spiritual body. This aura is obviously invisible to naked eye but the Kirlian photography. (Kirlian is special equipment which had been made to do experiments about the invisible side of the body. Kirlian experiments show that there is an invisible body which has made up of special energy inside our physical body. Scientists have named it as Bio Plasmic Energy Body.) The nature of this magnetic aura depends on the conditions of physical body and mentality. At the time when this guard becomes weaker; an outer spirit (energy) can connect with the brain by using nervous system as the medium. That is the moment people called possessing by a spirit. In medical science this is called as diagnose.
Another way of connecting with energies in invisible world is mental wave qualities of a living person. The experiments of these mental wave qualities were 1st handled by the scientist called Hans Berger and his method is known as EEG. In this experiment the electrical function of brain has studied by using electrodes on scalp. Considering the frequencies which have taken by that experiment, he has found four different wave types which mind releases to surrounding.
- β waves: The normal state of five sensors. When the mind is active it releases the β waves. The frequency is 13 Hz -30 Hz.
- δ waves: These waves releases at a deep sleep. The frequency is 0.5 Hz – 4 Hz.
- θ waves: These are release when dreaming, thinking and solving problems. The frequency is 4 Hz-7 Hz.
- α waves: At meditation and when staying calm these waves are releasing by mind. The frequency is 8 Hz- 13 Hz.
At the end of this article I would like to leave you something to think and to give an answer for a common question. The answer is yes of course there are ghosts. But those are not ghosts. The most suitable name for them is ‘energies’. As you all know energy can’t be destroyed or produce. So there should be a place where death peoples’ spirits go. Don’t they?
Just think; if the brain and the nervous system is the key to possess a spirit; can they posses into all the living organisms which have both of brain and nervous system?
Source: “Sukshama Shareeraya” by J.R.S.Manjula