Tutorial 3 – Blinking LED without using libraries

In this tutorial a LED blinking program will be written without using built in libraries. First create a new project as discussed in tutorial 2 and select M4 CMSIS Core and cmsis_boot form repository. Now double click on main.c and enter the following code. #include <stm32f30x.h> int main(void) { volatile unsigned int i =0; RCC…

Tutorial 2 – Installing Software for STM32F3 Discovery programming

In this second tutorial software tools which is necessary to program STM32F3 is discussed. Most of software tools discussed in this tutorial series are FREE and open source. Problem with most of ARM developing tools are, they are designed for commercial use only. They offer free trial versions only with limited features. Keil Microcontroller Development…

Setting up code blocks for AVR on Ubuntu

Code Blocks is a cross platform free and open source IDE developed for C, C++ and Fotran.  This light weight IDE can be used to program AVR microcontrollers also. This tutorial is about how to install and configure Code Blocks (CB) on Ubuntu in order to program Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Step1 – Install required AVR…

Programing AVR on Ubuntu with USBasp for beginers

Microcontroller is a small chip on a computer. AVR is one of the microcontroller families  developed by Atmel. One main reason for getting such a fame for AVR is the availability of a large number of free and open source development tools compared to other similar microcntroller families. Arduino, the most famous open hardware platform…

Turbidity/Coloury meter

Introduction What is turbidity? Turbidity is an optical characteristic or property of a liquid, which in general terms describes the clarity, or haziness of the liquid.Turbidity is the measure of the amount of un-dissolved suspended particles that present in liquid, which are generally invisible to naked eye.The turbidity meter is used to measure amount of…


Introduction The objective of this mini-project is to develop a portable electronic tic tac toe board capable of playing with one player and a microcontroller or two players. Coming up with an algorithm and necessary hardware that would encourage players to play tic tac toe is critical. The finished product will be very user friendly…


Introduction What is reflectance? Reflectance is a property of a surface which is equal to the proportion of incident light which it reflects or scatters. It describe about the surface’s nature. That is whether it is a rough or smooth one or it is a dark or light one. Reflectance is a very important fact…

Motion detecting twilight LED lamp

Introduction Motion detecting twilight LED lamp is design to turn ON & OFF the light in a room with the use of motion sensor. When a person go through the door inside to the room he or she may forgot to turn off the light when leaving the room. This happens very frequently in our…

Line Following Car

Introduction The line following car is a car that follows a black line on white surface. The idea to make a line following car is inspired when I saw some video clips of line following cars. The basic concept of the line following car is that the line is detected using optical sensors and according…