The two-day programme will consist of plenary and presentation sessions.
Click Here to download full program.
Day 1: February 20, 2019
09.00 am Plenary Session (Video)
Inauguration Ceremony
Welcome address from Sri Lanka
Welcome address from CERN
Introduction to CERN
Address by Chief Guest
Panel discussion: Science Collaboration between South Asia and CERN
– Tea Break
11.30 am Presentation Session 1
Introduction to South Asia at CERN
Sri Lanka at CERN
India at CERN
– Lunch Break
02.00 pm Presentation Session 2
Poster Session
Why LHC? Answering the big questions
Status and Perspectives of Experimental results from the LHC
Particle Physics: An intellectual inspiration for the younger generation
– Tea Break
04.00 pm Wrapping up
Day 2: February 21, 2019
09.00 am Presentation Session 3
Pakistan at CERN
Bangladesh at CERN
Nepal at CERN
Afghanistan at CERN
Mauritius at CERN
– Tea Break
Poster Awards
Panel Discussion on Road Map for South Asia
Conclusions and release of Communique
– Lunch Break
02.30 pm Public Lecture at University of Colombo (Video)
4.00 pm City Tour – Colombo City