About us

The Botanical Society is one of the prominent societies in Faculty of Science, University of Colombo. The main
objective of our society is to promote awareness and interest in the botanical sciences, improving and enhancing
the development of skills in its members while providing opportunities to engage in community service. The
Botany Boost Blog is our latest attempt for improving the awareness and interest in the different fields of plant
sciences. We developed this blog to help others for exploring the fascinating nature of the three different fields;
plant science, plant biotechnology and bioinformatics. We hope that this blog will improve the knowledge and the
interest of these fields among all students and the public.

Recent Posts

 We all should have heard of the word Micro-organisms once in our life. So,who are these personnels? They are a group of organisms like us, ...
Do we need nitrogen to the consistency of life? Do you know what percentage of nitrogen is consists of the atmosphere by nitrogen? If you ...
“We think dogs might work as probiotics to enhance the health of the bacteria that live in our guts. These bacteria, or ‘microbiota,’ are increasingly ...
There has been a significant increase in agricultural production due to increasing demand for food of the increasing population growth during the last decade. In ...
Since our birth we all were depend on our mother’s breast milk as well as milk from other sources of animals as it contains a ...
Actually What is this “BOTULISM”?  Botulism is the one of rare disease which is known as the one of the food born disease. This is ...