Raspberry PI – Initialising Steps

What is Raspberry Pi? Developed with the intension of promoting computer science among students, Raspberry Pi(RPi) is a small (credit card sized) yet powerful computer and development board. From word processing and gaming to playing High definition videos and running web servers, this handy gadget is capable doing many of the things your PC does.…

Arduino Motor Shield

Introduction What is Arduino? Use of microcontrollers has increased largely over the recent past in the field of electronics. Components in the microcontroller family are easy to work with due to their flexibility and simple methodologies. Building these into single circuit boards along with all the controller hardware and all the necessary controls such as inputs…

SPI based LED display unit

Introduction The main purpose of a display unit is to display information and other visual graphics  to a particular audience. Over the years various types of display systems were developed and are being used to display information and to provide entertainment in various situations. Neon display signs were a popular signage method in the past…