For a proper illumination of a LED

Most of the times the first lesson for microcontroller programming or embedded systems, is illumination of a LED or may be blinking LED using respective port pin. Most of the demonstrator boards starting from very simple ones to high end are having a LED or several with hardware which can make appropriate illumination. What makes…

Raspberry PI weather station – Section one creating database and interface temperature sensor

MSQL is the basic point corresponding to the creating of the database. Following step is to install Msql, Apache, PHP, phyMyadmin to raspberry Pi. Apache is the web server (http) software, Mysql  is the database server, PHP or Perl  is the programming languages to raspberry PI. Step 1: Update RP apt-get_install_-y_rpi-update apt-get_update_-y_&&_apt-get_upgrate_-y Step 2: Install msql…

General Purpose Input Output Arduino Shield

This example shows technique for calibrating sensor input and shows the sensor outputs by controlling LEDs and SSD, also shows how to monitor the state of a switch. Hardware Required 8 LEDS 2 push button switches 2 sliding switches 4-SSD with MAX7221/7219 LM35 Speaker Circuit In this circuit according to the above diagram 8 LEDs…

Raspberry PI – Initialising Steps

What is Raspberry Pi? Developed with the intension of promoting computer science among students, Raspberry Pi(RPi) is a small (credit card sized) yet powerful computer and development board. From word processing and gaming to playing High definition videos and running web servers, this handy gadget is capable doing many of the things your PC does.…

Arduino Motor Shield

Introduction What is Arduino? Use of microcontrollers has increased largely over the recent past in the field of electronics. Components in the microcontroller family are easy to work with due to their flexibility and simple methodologies. Building these into single circuit boards along with all the controller hardware and all the necessary controls such as inputs…

Temperature Logger Arduino Shield

   What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on hardware and software that are easy to use. Simply said it is a Microcontroller development board one can use to read sensors and control things like motors and lights. This allows you to upload programs to Arduino which can then interact with…

How to make a working RS232 – TTL level converter using MAX232

Today, most of the latest microcontrollers are integrated with at least one USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) peripheral. A well set module is very useful not only to establish a communication medium (receive or transmit data) between microcontroller and PC but also to program the device via preloaded boot-loader. Here is how to make proper level converter using…