Learn Yoga, Practice Yoga And Be Yogic


In this pandemic situation majority of the people have to work from home and also students of universities and schools have to take lessons under a virtual platform. It is crystal clear that most of these individuals are sitting in front of a laptop almost the whole day. Unlike in the past no physical movement and no gatherings of people. Therefore, most of the individuals are physically inactive, mentally stressed, and vulnerable not only to Covid 19 but also to many non-communicable diseases. The best way to overcome this situation is to learn yoga and practice yoga, as it doesn’t cost extra money at all and we don’t need equipment and can practice at home. Nowadays anyone can follow the yoga lessons conducted by yoga gurus through television, YouTube channels as well as online classes.

“Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga they come together in the present.” -B.K.S.Iyengar

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ which means to unite, to join, to yoke. By practicing yoga, an individual’s mind, body, soul, and spirit unite together. Therefore, it brings us awareness of how our life is and what is happening around us. The Indian sage Patanjali codified all aspects of yoga into a certain format known as yoga sutras. Today he is known as ‘Father of Modern Yoga’.  Yoga is a combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation.

The importance of yoga was well understood by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. In 2014 at the general assembly Priminister in his speech suggesting for a yoga day said,

“Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well-being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.”

As a result, the first international day of yoga was observed around the world on the 21st of June 2015.



The theme for yoga day 2021 which was celebrated recently is “Be with Yoga, Be at Home”. This theme emphasizes us to be at home and practice yoga. Since yoga boost the immune system, practicing yoga during this covid 19 pandemic is very important. It also helps to build strong physical, mental and spiritual health during this pandemic. Furthermore, it helps to regulate our breath. Since the virus attacks our respiratory system, the yogic breathing techniques will keep the lungs strong.

Yoga is mainly beneficial under the following combinations. Which are physical posture, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation. When practising yoga, it strengthens and stretches the muscles, boosts almost all of the organ systems and their functions. (nervous system, digestive system, blood circulation system), helps increase height when practiced regularly during growth years, improves flexibility, balancing ability and stamina, gives a good shape to the body, promotes a regular menstrual cycle, helps to lose weight. The above mainly happens when practicing physical postures.

Benefits regarding breathing techniques are as follows, improves lung capacity, refreshes the mind and all the organs. Due to the active process of inhalation and exhalation, the lungs are continuously ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated. So, therefore, improves blood circulation.

Lastly, when practicing yogic meditation and relaxation, it helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue.



There are many types of yoga. Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga and Kriya yoga are some major types. When considering Hatha yoga, it is a branch of yoga that deals with the physical aspect of yoga through postures called asana. It is performed in a slow and deliberate manner. The postures are held for longer, and therefore it allows stretching. Hatha yoga is the best way to introduce yoga to beginners. The Sanskrit word ‘Ha’ means sun and ‘Tha’ means moon. Translation of ‘Hatha’ also means ‘forceful’ or ‘strong’.

Vinyasa yoga, also known as flow yoga, is the most athletic yoga style. This Sanskrit word means ‘to place in a certain way’ or ‘connection’. Vinyasa yoga is sequential and the pace is quick. It is similar in many ways to hatha yoga. The difference is that the pacing of the class. Vinyasa is practiced in a hot and humid place. Sun Salutation is an example for this type of yoga. Kriya yoga is a path for spiritual awakening. Kriya means ‘action’.

During this pandemic let’s stay at home and learn yoga, practice yoga, and be yogic.



  1. https://www.business-standard.com/about/when-is-international-yoga-day
  2. Knowledge gained from the course followed by me at the rhythmic yoga academy.


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  1. Featured Image: https://bit.ly/3g3nD8y
  2. Content Image 01: https://bit.ly/3yZvN9q
  3. Content Image 02: https://bit.ly/37EOaVo
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