Dear future husband,
I did not realize that Valentine’s is here until I noticed how all the shops have turned their shades to red and pink like from some worldwide seasonal effect. Just how quickly all the shelves in the candy section of the supermarket started overflowing with chocolates and how every shop managed to line their windows with all sorts of cute stuffed toys and flowers, amazes me. It is really very hard for a girl not to get distracted by all these, trust me. Not to mention all the discounts and special offers the food chains have readied for the days, which I’m pretty sure, is a scrumptious bait even a guy will follow. Well the businessmen and shop owners seems to come up with all the stuff that will make people fall in love.
That actually makes me wonder whether the phrase love is in the air is still valid, beacuse apparently it’s in rich, fat pockets.
Although ours are quite too thin for the extravagant stuff, well, there will be a time a when the wallets are thick enough. But chances are flowers and teddy bears would be way past our tastes by then. We’d be overwhelmed by so many other priorities that we might simply leave them behind and go on with life. Would that be the time when love is replaced by a simpler bond that is obligation? Is it then that romance is reduced to an illusion?
If love finds a way, I believe that is only if we let it. If making an effort is all that takes to pledge our commitment to those dear to us, how about simple acts of love throughout the year instead of all the fancy and humongous gifts on just one day?
To start off with the basics, Respect me for the efforts I am making to perfect the things in life. Whether it is a messy trial of chicken pie or a shoddy decoration, laugh at it and let the disappointments be replaced. Let’s Rectify our mistakes with kindness and try not to be angry; humans are prone to make many and never let one consider the other to be one. Radiate some love with an affectionate smile or a warm hug and I will return the feelings whole heartedly.
Offer me a hand whenever possible. I would not be transforming from this childish self to a household maid. I might be lacking in many things and that would hurt my feelings when I try to do everything on my own. Let’s observe the off balance changes about the other and a try to bring back the joyous mood. Open upto me and let me help you the same way.
Let some Magic into our lives. Whether it is a surprise on a random day or a totally planned date at a place we can barely afford, let us try to melodrmatize the life we have together. Master some special skill or do some mainstream stuff just to amaze me. I would probably fall in love with your cooking, be awestruck at your gardening skills and will equally marvel at the tech stuff you manage to pull off.
Let’s pay Attention and be affectionate. In the long run it would be hard to hold on to memories that grow distant. When time calls for a change bring back the amusement and animate the days with the fantacies from before. And never forget to admire the times we spend together in laughter and bliss no matter how long or short they will be.
Nuture our bond with simple everyday things. Convince me on taking road trips, going on hikes, having an adventure during the weekend and trying novel things with you so that we both discover a brand new side in ourselves each time. Plan some night life with me, be it dinner outs, camping or star gazing from the back yard; which would be nothing less than what I love.
Communicate with me as my best friend; tell me all your troubles and doubts and also listen to mine. Safeguard our connection and never let anyone come in between us. Show that you care and bring about some chemistry from time to time. Be childish and be comedic and add some color to dull days.
Maintain the Equilibrium in lives. Let’s welcome the good and the bad just the same so we will both face it together, strong. Exclude the sad memories and let happiness enter our lives. Be earnest and express yourself freely. Call in a bit of entertainment whether its singing, dancing or off-the-tune intrumetntals and explore the joys of life together.
And somewhere in between we may rediscover romance and have the happily ever after we dream of.
Future wife.
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