Nous prendons le Français(We study the French)
Today, I am going to introduce you one of the most interesting language which is quite resemble to English language but the French language will appear its own identity which is known as the second most popular language in the world. French is a musical language. First, I would introduce you the French Alphabet.
L’alphabet Français
The letters and the pronunciation(Anglophone to Francophone) is indicated in front of it.
a- a(a)
Voyels(Vowels)- a,e,i,o,u,y
Conssonnes(Consonance)-the rest of the other letters are consonance in French.
L’accent(The accents)
Though you have realized the French Alphabet(l’alphabet Français)is very much like to the familiar English Alphabet(l’alphabet Anglais)the accents(l’accents)which are associated with the special letters of French recognize the identity of French Language. Therefore, you can easily understand that how far the writing and Oral French language is differ from English.
L’accent aigue- Ex- é,á(The accent/dash which is super scripted above the letter slanting right)
L’accent grave-Ex-è,à(The accent/dash which is super scripted above the letter slanting left)
L’accent circonflexe-Ex-ê,â,û(a superscripted accent/hook which is right above the letter)
La cédille- It is a subscripted hook or comma which is adjoined to the bottom of c)Ex-ç. This accent is applied to C only after the following vowel letters in French, a,o,u.
Everyday(Quotidian) salutations and Addressing ways(les salutation tout les jours ou quotidien)
Bonjour madam- Have a nice day madam/ Good morning Madam
Bonjour monsieur- have a nice day Sir/ Good morning Sir.
Bonjour Mademoiselle- have a nice day madam(But here mademoiselle is used only addressing for an unmarried young lady)
Bon Apprés midi- Good Afternoon.
Bon Soir- Good Evening
Bon nuit- Good night.
Le matin- morning
Bon journez- good day/nice day.
Au revoir- bye/ will see you later
Please- Sil vous plait
Excuse me- Excusé moi
Sorry/ Beg your Pardon- Pardon moi
Some noun of family relations(Quelque noms de relation famille)
La mére/ la maman – the mother
Le Pére- the father
le frére- the brother
la sœur- the sister
le fils- the son
la fille- the daughter/ a young girl
le garçen- the young/ adolescent boy.
le grand pére- the grand father
la grande mére- the grand mother
l’oncle- the uncle
la Tant- the aunt
La belle mére- the mother-in-law.
le beau pére- the father-in-law.
le gendre- the son-in-law
la belle sœur- the sister-in-law
la femme- the wife
le mari- the husband
le petit fils- the grand son
la petite fille- the grand daughter
la mater aîné – the elder mater
le pater aîné – the elder pater
le cousin- the cousin brother
la cousine- the cousin sister
la neuve- the nephew
la niece – the niece
Some important applications relating to the Time( Quelqu’ application relatif au temp)
Today- au jourd’hui
Yesterday- hier/ Jour dérrier
Tomorrow- â demin
Day after tomorrow- aprés demin
Day before yesterday- avant hier
Year- anné
Monthly- mensuel
Annual- Annuel
To be continued. I hope to discuss about the Nouns( Norms) in my next episode. Thank you( J’esper discuter du norms avec mon épisode prochain) Mercy.
I please to know my discrepancies or some incorrigible mistakes in this episode and I honestly appreciate your feedback (j’aime savoir mon erreurs ou divergence dans ce lui épisode ci et j’apprécie honnetement votre reponse sil vous plait).
Composed by Amila Perera
Composé de Amila Perera.