Lost In A Gale


It was tipping down so heavily

Even my umbrella couldn’t bear it

What if they were some pearls falling from the sky?

If so, why was I trying to run away from everything

Wasn’t I supposed to collect ’em all,

I was holding my shield which was my only asset

Perhaps I was a part of that symphony, but how can I dance

When the only thing I know is that I know nothing but to fight

My destination was too far

But my soaked shoes asked me to take a break

I am a ninja who should fly over puddles

But not a princess who awaits for a palanquin

Suddenly I felt the vigor of a gale. And I was trapped in his gaze.

I lost myself and just wanted to remain in his epic.

I never knew that I won’t meet the same wind again,

So I rewarded him with my most precious shield,

Gloomy clouds are gone now

Leaving me as the only witness of that sprinkling rain

There’s a huge rainbow sparkling in the sky

I want to embrace my soul with that stunning look

But part of me whispers a different song

The soul may want to paint the rainbow, and hide in those vibrant colours

Yet one tiny piece deep inside is wailing to find the girl who got lost in that gale


Image Courtesy: https://bit.ly/3yHOuxz

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