Oh! My Poor Manhood!


It is said that the British Empire, led by governor Sir Robert Brownrigg, seized King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe, the last King of Sri Lanka, with the help of Liqour. Could this have been a conversation that took place between them?


“Oh Brownrigg, Oh Brownrigg,

You have come in vain

I shall not surrender,

Ahah! I dearly feel your pain”


“Oh, Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe,

Perhaps, the last king of Ceylon

Would you change your mind,

If I give you all the pretty girls in Britain?”


“No thanks Robert, no thanks,

I have prettier maids in my kingdom

More girls, more nuisance,

And, Oh! My poor manhood!”


“I see, Mr. Rajasinghe,

Something else, let me offer instead

How about I bring to you,

All the glittering gold in Britain?”


“Jewelleries made of gold, I do have,

Covering each part of my body!

Well almost, except down there,

No thanks Brownrigg, Oh! My poor manhood!”


“Well, let me try one last time,

My dear friend, Mr. Wickrama Sri

Beer, you like it right?

All the beer in Britain! A deal?”


“Oh! Now you’re talking Bob!

But with that much beer, would I go infertile?

But nah, I don’t want to have kids anyway,

So let’s have it, Oh! My poor manhood!”


                     -The End-


Image Credits: https://shorturl.at/zCEL1

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