Pi Day: An Uncommon Celebration of a Mathematical Constant


Inarguably the universe operates and behaves according to the language of mathematics which is proven again and again over the history of time.

Consequently, there are few substantial mathematical constants which the fine woven cloth of universe is hung upon. “3.14’’ a number which is awkwardly familiar to anyone who’s gone through at least high school math happens to be one of them, which establishes its importance by appearing in a boatload of crucial equations all over Mathematics and Physics. The ratio of circles circumference over its diameter simply denoted by the Greek letter lowercase pi() is a rational and transcendental number which is often simplified to 3.14 in practical usage. From its definition itself It is not so difficult to see why pi is so regularly mentioned in fields like Geometry and also in fields that have little to do geometry such as Number theory and Mathematical analysis.

Larry Shaw celebrating Pi Day

As pi plays such an important role in Mathematics, there is no wonder that a passionate group of mathematicians even decided to name a date in respect to pi. In 1988 Larry Shaw, a physicist in San Francisco Exploratorium originated to celebrate Pi Dayon 14th of March, which is obviously chosen after the fact that the date 3/14 resonate with the 2nd decimal approximation of pi,3.14. Since then, this informal celebration spread over mathematical communities around the world, finally turning it into a recognized date. This phenomenon got so popular, even the US house of Representatives passed a bill recognizing pi day, in 2009. Internationally pi day is celebrated ceremoniously by making circular pies with symbol in it which also elongated from word playing pi to pie.

A pie prepared to celebrate Pi Day

Apart from the 20th century fanciness, pi day is not just a nominative celebration. Eventually pi day has become a day of the year where the people celebrate the years of mathematical evolution and the genius personas behind mathematics we are currently witnessing after all those years of trial and error. The process of uncovering the language of nature has cost millions of hours and incomprehensible efforts of philosophers, mathematicians and physicists all over history. The dedication of these people led the world to be as it is today with mind blowing technologies, inventions and many more. As this part of history does not often appear in the mainstream, the popularity of pi day was a perfect opportunity to honor these legends as well as mathematics itself. Subsequently, This realization ledUNESCO to designate 14th of March as the International Day of Mathematics in its 40th General Meeting in 2009.

Coincidently, 14th of March is also associated with two of the most influential mathematician-physicist duo in the history of science. Doubted as the greatest mind of 20th century, Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879 in Germany, who miraculously grew up to be an undeniably influential figure in Mathematics and Physics. Nevertheless, THE physicist of our time, Sir Stephan Hawking sadly passed away also on a 14thMarch in the year 2018. In the conversations around pi day, this coincidence of events is  often mentioned making the day of celebrating great minds even more special.

References :Pi Day. (n.d.). PI Day | Celebrate Mathematics on March 14th. https://www.piday.org/

Written By : Pramodya Bandara

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