Her heart lay there,
Gentle, soft,
And to think something he’d thought so trivial,
Could fill every crevice,
Crevices he’d never noticed well enough,
A once dark world,
Now filled with colors.
Red, blue, pink, green
Who knew there was so much life,
In the mundane walk to the ILC,
A magpie robin
Stringing crystal tunes,
The quadrangle alive with the imperial,
And to live so royally,
To love, to laugh, to care,
To be cared for,
He’d never known a soul so deep,
That one could ever be this alive,
That the slightest absence could bring such grief,
That the air could be so welcome,
And the water so cold.
That joy could hold him so high,
He’d be giddy,
That pain could tear him so low,
He’d feel torn.
He watched as
Her footsteps traced the ground in front of him,
Aware that they weighed down heavily in
The space-time continuum of his emotions.
For it did the same for her.
And to think this ethereal being,
Saw him thus.
Her world alight in his embrace.
Come home.
Written By : Ayvana Rizna
Image Courtesy: Author