It’s never easy starting anything from scratch, and when it’s the first time ever in Sri Lanka, it’s even harder! But that’s exactly what FOS Media has undertaken this month. On the 16th and 17th of April, undergraduates all around the island will be able to feel the pulse of the University of Colombo, through “UOC RHYTHM”, the first ever e-radio station done by any university in Sri Lanka, powered by Faculty of Science Media.
All the preparations are underway right now to bring you a brand new radio tailor made for undergraduates by undergraduates. FOS Media may be laying the ground work for this new initiative, but we’ve gone beyond just the Faculty of Science. UOC Rhythm will bring together all of UOC, which means that the faculties of Law, Arts, Management and the UCSC are on board. You’ll hear the latest news and views, student opinions and gossip, university societies and happenings, and feel the pulse of undergraduate life here in the University of Colombo, along with some great music shows and other programs too!
And I must add that this is the official radio channel for the university, with great cooperation from the administration as well. It really is a team effort, and we hope to see everyone joining in to listen and feel the heartbeat of our university on UOC Rhythm!