The spark is lost,
Just like a tiny firefly
Who has lost his light,
Who has forgotten who he is;
Yet dashing and fighting
Through the dark
Finding his so lost spark
Or a friendly little light
Who can give a little ignite.
A friend who won’t judge;
Who won’t run away by seeing
The unfortunate insecurities;
While this creature,
Facing through the unfamiliar storms
And making mistakes
As he learns; as he survives.
A friend who considers love,
As a flower that blooms
Among the top of the tree,
So called “Trust”.
And still chose to believe
While shady storms
Slaps so hard, no matter what.
A friend who won’t attack,
Even when the guards are down,
Knowing that
The creature is totally vulnerable.
And knowing that
He is loving with all of his
Soul, without regretting
He could give his most valuable thing
Even at a moonless night
That there is no hope.
A friend who can give
Warm cuddles
When the glasses are shattered
In to tiny pieces,
Knowing that love is bittersweet
Just like a warm coffee
With so much caffeine.
Hoping for a
Tiny little spark.
Image Courtesy: Author