It’s time to refresh our memory in our second language and learn some new phrases
We have already learned some basic wishes and some words that relate to the times of the day in the previous lesson.
We will be learning digits and numbers in this lesson.
Hoping this will be useful when buying at the canteen !
1- එක -(எக )
ஒன்று – (ඔන්ඩ්රු )
Example:තේ එකක් දෙන්න (தே எகக் தென்ன )
தேநீர் ஒன்று தாருங்கள் (තෙනීර් ඔන්ඩ්රු තාරුන්ගල් )
2-දෙක-(தெக )
இரண்டு – (රෙන්ධු )
மூன்று -(මූන්ඩ්රු)
நான்கு( නාන්ගු)
5-පහ- (பஹ)
ஐந்து – (ඓන්තු )
6-හය-(ஹய )
ஆறு-(ආරු )
7-හත- (ஹத )
ஏழு-(ඒලු )
8-අට- (அட )
எட்டு-(එට්ටු )
9-නවය- (நவய)
ஒன்பது-(ඔන්බතු )
10-දහය -(தஹாய )
பத்து- (පත්තු)

Hope you apply these numbers in daily situations,and the next lesson will be purely on the applications of the numbers.
Will meet sooner!
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