A Day For Your Friend


Do you have a friend? Undoubtedly, you must have at least one. We all have friends. They help us to make life easy. Have you heard about the International Day of Friendship? That is today; 30th of July. Think for a while. Make a little thing creatively today for your loving friend. It’s time to say how much you love your friend. Add some value to your friendship and make the day unforgettable for her/him/them. Appreciation for each other makes bonds stronger and stronger. Let’s read how valuable a friend is…

A friend…


Fights for you

Responsible for you

Inspires you

Encourages you

Never gives up on you

Draws a smile on every tear


Friendship is a strong bond

Between equal hearts

There is no matter

Whether you are a girl or a boy

It is all about peace and joy

It makes all bitter moments

To be better


Friendship is the sunray

Which shows the way

To the sea of smiles


There are no limits

No secrets, no tears or fears

No pain…

Caring, sharing and trusting

Is always there

Friendship is a priceless gift

Given for the luckiest people


Life is a rain bubble

Cuddled with sunlight;

Called friendship

Without sunlight

Bubbles will not make

A brilliant rainbow



Friendship is another name for

Endless love

Which never gets old

Only gets shinier than gold


Let’s show them,

How valuable they are for us


A friend is the

Field of solace

Root of love

Inspiration of reality

End of loneliness

Name for understanding

Door for happiness



Featured image courtesy: https://bit.ly/2CQni8G

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