There are eight planets in our solar system. But Saturn is quite a planetary gem because of its gold color and stunning rings. It is the second-largest of the eight planets and is about ten times as wide as the ... Read more
Probing the Higgs Boson
In 2012 CERN discovered the highly elusive fundamental particle named the Higgs Boson and in later experiments, the particle’s theoretically predicted interactions with many other particles were experimentally confirmed. In ... Read more
Pushing Back and Forth: Coupled Oscillators
In the physical world around us, we often talk about energy as a transferrable quantity. This transfer happens not only from one form to the other but also from one physical body to another. In this study of a back and forth ... Read more
In Search Of The Unchanging
“Change is inevitable” as the old cliché goes. At least in the realm of reality, this is hard to argue with. On the other hand, in the mystical world of mathematics, we may stumble upon curious ideas that betray this tenet ... Read more
Nano Nitrogen Fertilizer For Sustainable Crop Development
Importance of nitrogen for plants
Nitrogen is considered an essential macronutrient for plant function and is a major component of chlorophyll. It is also a key component of amino acids, which form ... Read more
Water Purification Using Smart Materials
Water is one of the most precious resources for living beings. Living would not be possible without water. Imagine the pressure that has been generated on the public due to the running out of fuel and gas. How would it be if it ... Read more
‘PETase and Cocktail’ – The Plastic Degrading Enzymes
“It took a great deal of work on both sides of the Atlantic, but it was worth the effort – we were delighted to see that our new chimeric enzyme is up to three times faster than the naturally evolved separate enzymes, opening new avenues for ... Read more
Looking up at the stars: The Hubble Space Telescope
On April 24, 1990, NASA launched a device capable of observing space like never before. This device was called the Large Space Telescope and was later renamed the ... Read more