July 7th: a remarkable day in the history of Sri Lankan Medicine.

The first ever heart transplant in Sri Lankan history was successfully conducted in Kandy general hospital from  a brain-dead patient to a patient whose heart function has decreased down to a 12 %. The harvested heart was from a 24 year ... Read more

Operant conditioning: to reward or to punish?

Have you ever seen how small infants keep on crying till their mother lifts them up or pays them attention? Have you ever wondered why it happens? Not only humans, animals: especially dogs learn not to do certain tasks if you punish them. This type of ... Read more

Classical conditioning and Pavlov’s dog experiment

Have you ever experienced your mouth watering at the thought of tasty food? Do you start feeling hungry when it’s close to your lunch break? Have you ever thought what actually causes secretion of saliva and gastric juices even though you don’t have any ... Read more
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